
The 2020 Stage 1 entry questions will be listed as links on this page,


Facility Categories:

  • Studio
  • Independent Club
  • Chain Club
  • Franchise Club

Individual Categories

  • Personal Trainer
  • Up and Coming Trainer
  • Group Exercise Prechoreographed
  • Group Exercise Own Choreography
  • Yoga Teacher
  • xx
  • xx
  • xx


Other & Special Categories

  • Educator
  • Student
  • Programme
  • Innovation
  • Skills Active Awards*
  • ExerciseNZ Award*
  • NZ REPs Award*

Note: * not open for entry – they are selected by these organisation directly.  Please click here ** insert link to SPECIAL nomination form – **to be made** **  to make a suggestion to Skills Active, REPs or ExerciseNZ for their award categories.