2020 Judging criteria will be updated by Mid February 2020
Scroll down or click the link below to go directly to information about the listed categories.
Programme Excellence, Community Contribution, Exercise Innovation
ExerciseNZ, REPs & Skills Active awards
What do # * and ^ next to category titles mean ? – Click for Key
Key Awards dates:
December 2019 – Nominations open
February/March 2020 Stage 1 – Entries Open
Early July 2020 Stage 1 – Entries close
Late July 2020 Entrants progressing to Stage 2 Announced, and Stage 2 entries open
Late August 2020 Stage 2 – Entries close
Early October 2020 – Finalists announced
20 November 2020 – Live Judging takes place for PT, Up and Coming PT, and Small Group Trainer & Student categories
21 November 2020 – Awards Dinner and Ceremony
Important Notes:
- Entry into the Exercise Industry Awards is a staged process, with judging occurring at each level, the specific entry requirements are listed below.
- All entrants are notified whether they have been selected for the next level with details of next stage process issued to successful entrants.
- All categories require a formal entry from the individual or person within the facility/ program, a nomination does not automatically mean you are entered.
Facility Awards
Standard Entry Requirements
Stage 1: 500 Word entry question, and submission of some basic information
Stage 2: Entry questionnaire, submission of facility data and evidence, NPS Survey sent to customers, third party feedback
Finalist: Interviews, mystery shopper / site visits, third party feedback, facility and service spot checks.
Category Title | Description | Additional Requirements |
Chain / Group * | Facility where the operation is part of a larger chain or group but there is some management control within the business, as well as central support. | Standard criteria PLUS: all entrants will be judged against how they meet their head office/brand standards and KPI |
Franchise * | Facility where the operation is part of a franchise – where management and control is set from a head office and/or central system | Standard criteria PLUS: all entrants will be judged against how they adhere to brand operating procedures standards and KPI |
Independent * | Facility that is a stand-alone business where management and system are within the facility structure with no external support from a related chain or other businesses that operate under the same/similar name. | Standard criteria PLUS: all entrants will be judged on elements unique to independent clubs including management and club personality. |
Small Studio / PT Facility * | Small PT studios, specialist facilities or businesses: Eg Mindbody Studio, PT operation, Specialist services (inc Rehab and allied health as long as the main service is exercise based). In studios with membership (a set price for ongoing service), there is a maximum of 500 members or clients at the time of entry. | Standard criteria PLUS: elements unique to their brand personality including culture and services offered |
Key to symbols used in category title
Breakdown of Judging Criteria (for Finalists)
Points below are made up of evidence gathered in ALL entry stages.
10% Team – Management, staff support and development (including PT and Group Exercise as applicable). REPs registration
25% Member Support – Induction, complaints procedures, in gym and out of gym care and communications
25% Facility Elements – Layout, cleanliness, wow factor, services offered, Health & Safety
20% Third Party – Mystery shoppers, member experience, expert panels, NPS results
20% KPI – Membership growth and management, entrant defined KPIs, brand values vs practice
Individual Exercise Professionals Awards
Standard Entry Requirements
Stage 1: 500 Word entry question, and submission of basic information
Stage 2: Entry questionnaire, submission of relevant data and evidence, video submission, third party
Finalist: Interviews, mystery shopper, third party feedback, service spot checks.
Category Title | Description | Additional Requirements |
Personal Trainer * | Open to any Personal Trainer (either as a contractor or as an employee). | Standard Criteria PLUS: Finalists must attend Live Judging event 22 Nov 2019 at AUT North Campus, Auckland |
UP and Coming PT * | Open to any Personal Trainer who has been working as a PT (either contractor or employee) for less than 2 years at the time of application. | Standard Criteria PLUS: Finalists must attend Live Judging event 22 Nov 2019 at AUT North Campus, Auckland |
Small Group Trainer * | Open to any instructor providing small group training of approx 4-12 clients in a session. (Small Group Training involves a small group following a set series of activities and structured programme. e.g. “boot camp” lead by an instructor). | Standard Criteria PLUS: Finalists must attend Live Judging event 22 Nov 2019 at AUT North Campus, Auckland |
Outstanding Support # | Open to any individual working in a support role in an organisation or facility. Can be in an employed or contracted role. Entrant may be in admin, management or customer support role, the defining factor of the category is that the entrants work supporting those who work on getting people active. | No additional requirements |
Group Exercise – PreChoreographed* | Open to any Group Exercise Instructor teaching any style of group exercise that is pre-choreographed (i.e. The choreography is pre-set by someone other than the instructor). Note: can include Mind-body classes. | Standard Criteria PLUS: Finalists will be required to submit a full class video. |
Group Exercise – Own Choreography * | Open to any Group Exercise Instructor teaching freestyle group exercise classes (i.e they are responsible for the structure and choreography of the classes). Includes land and water-based instructors. Freestyle mindbody classes have their own category. | Standard Criteria PLUS: Finalists will be required to submit a full class video. |
MindBody Teacher* | Open to any teacher of a mind-body class style, that is choreographed (for the most part) by the teacher. The category includes yoga but can be any class style that incorporates extensive principles of mind-body. The underpinning holistic philosophy of the class will be taken into account when judging this category. | Standard Criteria PLUS: Finalists will be required to submit a full class video. |
Educator ^ | Open to any person who supports exercise professionals in either a lecturing, training or mentoring role. Includes non-NZ based entrants but they must be working in New Zealand, and have made a significant impact on the NZ Exercise Industry. | No additional requirements |
Student | This category is by nomination only (by the students’ REPs registered education provider). The student must complete the entry process once they are nominated. The student must be studying (full or part-time) at a REPs Registered Initial Training Provider within the award year. | A questionnaire and a video completed by the student is required once nominations from education providers close. Finalists must attend Live Judging event 22 Nov 2019 at AUT North Campus, Auckland |
Key to symbols used in category title
(points are made up of evidence from all 3 entry stages).
20% Technical: Exercise technique and selection, and sequencing
15% Education and Experience: Upskilling, keeping up to date with science and industry developments
10% Presentation: professionalism, confidence and values.
10% Marketing: Online presence, marketing,
15% Standards: Health & Safety, client forms, scope of practice, pre-screening
10% Working with others: Exercise and health professionals, referral procedures
10% Third party: Mystery shoppers, participant experience
10% KPI – Entrant defined KPIs
(points are made up of evidence from all 3 entry stages).
(points are made up of evidence from all 3 entry stages).
60% Job role: Job specific skills and knowledge, role within workplace, benefit to organisation.
15% Education and Experience: Upskilling, keeping up to date with science and industry developments.
15% Presentation and Standards: Professionalism, confidence and values.
10% Third Party: Mystery shoppers, participant experience.
Specialist Categories
Standard Entry Requirements
Stage 1: 500 Word entry question, and supply of basic information
Stage 2: Entry questionnaire, submission of relevant data and evidence, third-party feedback
Finalist: Interviews, mystery shopper, third-party feedback, service spot checks.
Category Title | Description | Additional Requirements |
Programme Excellence* | Open to any individual or organisation delivering a comprehensive programme involving exercise, nutrition or other lifestyle interventions and client support for a specified time period. The programme may be face to face, online or a combination of both. | Evidence will be required for outcomes relating to programme success |
Exercise Innovation* | The category recognises the implementation of something new in order to generate value to an exercise business. Innovative ideas can be big or small and are something that either creates something new, changes an existing idea dramatically or replaces something that exists with something better. Great innovations are simple ones that make you slap your forehead and say “Why didn’t I think of that?” Open to any individual, studio, club or organisation. | Entrants need to demonstrate objectives, results and measurable metrics. |
Community Contribution # | Open to organisations or individuals. The emphasis in this category is that exercise participation is encouraged in a population that would normally find such exercise difficult to access (may include low/no cost options, services for groups with special exercise requirements or outcomes). Must have been operating for a 12mth minimum period.
The Community Contribution category can only be won ONCE. Groups or chains cannot enter other clubs with the same programme in future years. |
Statistics are required to support participation levels.
Key to symbols used in category title
Breakdown of Judging Criteria (for Finalists)
(Final scores are made up based on evidence from all 3 entry stages).
40% Technical: Programme design and set up, Programme outcome
15% Education and experience: Qualifications and Upskilling of the team.
15% Presentation: Online presence, marketing, professionalism and standards
20% KPI: Entrant defined KPIs, supporting data
10% Third Party: Mystery shoppers, participant experience
Other Categories
Standard Entry Requirements
Entries in these categories are not possible, however you can nominate someone to be considered by the applicable organisation.
Category Title | Information on Special Award Categories | |
Peoples Choice Award* | Click here to nominate someone | Based on nominations the top 10 finalists are decided, they are then invited to submit a profile and photo. Those who wish to take part are put up for a public vote to decide the winner of the category. Entry is limited to REPs registered individuals (i.e. organisations, companies or groups of trainers are not eligable for entry in this category). |
ExerciseNZ Award | Click here to nominate someone | This award is open to any individual or organisation, recognising their outstanding contribution to the industry. This award is chosen by the Exercise New Zealand board. |
Skills Active Awards | Click here to nominate someone | All winners are nominated by Skills Active staff and the winners are selected by the Skills Active Senior Management Team.
Manukura Award – To an individual Te Iti Kahurangi Award – To an organisation |
REPs Award * | Click here to nominate someone | The REPs award is presented to a role model that reflects the ethics and values of exercise professionals/facilities in New Zealand. |
Key to symbols used in category title
Key to symbols
Symbol | Meaning | Applicable Except |
* | REPs registration required | No exceptions to any categories marked with a * |
# | Some special requirements | REPs registration may be required depending on who delivers the exercise advice. If the person who comes up with the idea is not REPs registered and does not deliver the service, then they are not required to be registered with REPs. Anyone giving exercise advice, however, needs to be REPs registered (unless covered by another professional registration e.g. Physio, Doctor etc). |
^ | Educator Clarification | If the entrant runs courses (outside of internal training) the course must be a REPs approved CPD or Initial training provider. REPs individual registration is required for any entrant who also prescribes exercise to the public (e.g. PT, Small Group Trainer, Group Ex Instructor, Mind-body teacher). |