What is NPS?
Net Promoter Score is a simple yet effective tool developed in 2003 to measure customer satisfaction. It is used worldwide for a range of products and services and will involve one simple question;
”On a scale of 1-10 how likely are to recommend your gym/fitness facility to a friend or colleague?”.
Depending on the score that is given the respondents can be categorised into one of three groups:
Promoters – giving a score of 9 or 10, Passives – giving a score of 7 or 8, Detractors – giving a score of 0-6.
The Net Promoter Score is then calculated as the difference between the percentage of Promoters and Detractors.
For example: If 100 responses come back – 45 of them giving a score of 9 or 10, 30 of them a 7 or 8 and 25 of them 0-6, the calculation would be 45-25 (45% Promoters, 25% Detractors) leaving a score of 20.
Click here to view the Leisure-net Information Sheet, if your organisation has entered into the facility category a copy of this document has been sent to you.
Advantages of using NPS in the judging process
You will immediately see that using NPS allows facilities to be compared objectively with each other in terms of customer loyalty and satisfaction. It will also provide entrants, who don’t currently use this metric, to gain some valuable information about their facility.
How will it work?
It will be administrated by an impartial 3rd party; Leisure-net Solutions, who work extensively within the Health, Fitness and Leisure sector in the UK.
Entrants will be required to email to their entire membership base (this includes current members and those on freeze) within a 5 day period in July (possibly the last week – exact date to be confirmed).
The email will have consistent wording (provided by ExerciseNZ) and a link to the relevant website for the member to complete the survey.
Who will see my results?
You will be given a password to go online and view the responses you get but other clubs will not be able to view your scores and vice/versa. An average score of all participating clubs will be given.
In addition to the above question will anything else will be asked?
Yes. As an added benefit to clubs an optional question “Why did you give this score?” will be asked and the system set up to notify you of any answers here so that you might follow up with them, especially if negative.
We will also ask “When did you last visit the club?”
[within the last week, within the last 3 weeks, within the last 3 months, more than 3 months ago]
Want to know more?
Click here to view the Leisure-net Information Sheet, if your organisation has entered into the facility category a copy of this document has been sent to you.